Integrated Extensions
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RokMiniEvents — Club
RokMiniEvents is an events module, which syncs with your Google Calendar as well as JomSocial events and displays them on your site. The module is very intuitive, automatically adjusting itself based on your events and event ranges; simply set the number of events and the time range, and RokMiniEvents will do the rest.
You will require a Google Account or JomSocial in order to use RokMiniEvents. For instructions on how to setup RokMiniEvents with Google Calendar, please visit our forum for the tutorial.
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RokFeatureTable — Club
RokFeatureTable offers a stylistic and user friendly solution for displaying tabular based data. It is perfect for price or product comparisons, or essentially, any type of data display that suits a matrix format.
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RokTwittie — Club
RokTwittie is a module that integrates Twitter into your Joomla site. Display tweets of any username, or even by search terms, as well as your profile information and various other elements from Twitter itself. RokTwittie is the perfect compliment to any Social site, or Business site that uses Twitter.
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RokNewsPager — Club
RokNewsPager is an article previewer and rotator. It displays content articles, in a summarised form and, using mootools based javascript transition, rotates through a series of pages displaying articles in a contracted list or accordion format.
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RokTabs — Free
RokTabs is a tabbed content module, standalone and sporting its own themes (light and dark). Content is transitions, either by fade or scroll, and is powered by mootools.