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Fusion with MegaMenu
Fusion is a javascript enhanced CSS dropdown menu system, that is fully crawlable by search engines. Mootools adds transitions and animations to the dropdown, providing a smooth and dynamic interface for the navigational structure. MegaMenu features include a vast assortment, such as multiple columns, grouped child items, dropdown widths and item distribution. These provide for individual control over each specific dropdown menu item or column.
RocketTheme Extensions and K2 Styling
The April 2011 template released is accompanied by a vast and varied selection of RocketTheme Extensions, styled and integrated into the theme. These are RokTabs, RokFeatureTable, RokTwittie, RokNewspager and RokMiniEvents. All are demoed on the frontpage. The integration extends to all configuration options, such as the various tab position settings in RokTabs. Other included extensions are RokNavMenu, RokCandy, RokBox, RokGZipper, RokModule and RokPad. There is style/override support for the popular content construction kit extension, K2.
Joomla 1.5 and 1.6 Support
From March 2011 onwards, all new Joomla releases come in both Joomla 1.5.x and Joomla 1.6.x versions. The template, Gantry, extensions and RocketLauncher packages will be available for the 1.5 platform, but will be subject to availability for the 1.6 version.